Need to know the cost of your window cleaning service? Our team is more than happy to provide you with a quote.
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How much does professional window cleaning cost in Toronto?
Hiring a professional to clean the windows in your home is a convenient way to handle a cumbersome periodic or seasonal task. The number of windows and floors in your home, as well as the services you select will help determine the price for your window cleaning. Our professional window cleaners are trained and equipped to provide efficient and thorough window service, whether one time or on a regular basis.

How much does high-rise window cleaning cost in Toronto?
The level of services you select for window cleaning has a direct impact on the price for your job, and one common option to consider is whether to have both sides of your windows cleaned. We may price cleaning the outside of windows higher than cleaning the inside, since ladders or special tools are typically required. Windows that are difficult to access may require us to bring in special tools or equipment that may increase your costs, as may unusual scheduling that is needed to access your home for cleaning interior glass.

How much does low-rise window cleaning service for commercial and townhouse complexes cost?
What You Get?
Innovative approaches in service and delivery
Preventative maintenance and repairs
Proven results for setting exceptional standards in cost control
Professional service for residential and commercial customers
Uniformed, trained and certified personnel
60 years of experience and real focus on customer satisfaction
We do offer screen-cleaning services along with standard glass cleaning. Regardless of your options, screens may have to be removed in order to access your windows. The complexity of this task may depend on whether the screens must be removed from the outside or inside of the house, and if they are to be reinstalled or left out for seasonal storage. Be sure to discuss with us if and how we can service your screens, and how your different options affect the overall price of your project.